Private Rites - out now in UK hardback, coming Dec in US (Foyles/Amazon)

Our Wives Under The Sea - out now in UK and US paperback (Foyles/Amazon)

salt slow - out now in paperback (Foyles/Amazon)


Scream Queen - Granta Online

Wendigo - Outsiders, 3 of Cups Anthology (ed. Alice Slater) & republished in The Barcelona Review

Longshore Drift - Granta, Issue 148

The Great Awake - The White Review (short story prize winner, 2018)

Smack - Lighthouse, Issue 16

Mantis - Neon Magazine, Issue 46

The Collectables - Stockholm Review of Literature


Guts - The White Review

The Ocean is a Lesbian: Notes on Queer Women and the Water - LitHub

Best Book of 1963: The Group - Granta

Body Horror and the Female Body - Publishers Weekly


Fissures - EERIE Podcast

Magpie - BBC Radio 4